Suw Studios offers Made to measure, focuses on craftsmanship and the individual. Where we can achieve the genuine and personal in each garment. Our design team guides customer to create personal garments and build a wardrobe that ages with dignity.                                             
This service works by booking, if you have any questions or specific requests, you can write to us. Please note that booking can be made without immediate intention to place an order.

Book Appointment



First Step
The unique fit that is created for each individual customer through the fitting process. Aesthetic aspects as fabric, design and style are thoroughly discussed. The customer is closely guided by one of our Mtm designers through the process. Approximately 1.1.5 hours.
Second Step
The second meeting is planned 2-4 weeks after the first fitting. Design team do a primary fitting on the ordered garments. Changes are made and the fit is checked, we update any changes digitally to simplify future orders. Approx. 30-45 minutes.
Third Step
After a week, the final meeting is arranged where changes made during the second fitting are checked. Approximately 30 minutes.
Fourth Step
The product is ready for delivery.